Teiču Nature Reserve– the largest moss marsh in the Baltics (19779 ha)

The reserve is a national, specially protected natural area with the strictest protection regime. Visits are allowed only in the guidance of employees of the Reserve.

Teiču Nature Reserve was established in 1982. It is characterized by forest and mash flora of Eastern Latvia.  The total area is 19,779 ha, and the most of it, i.d.  13,681 ha or 69%, is covered with a massive of muss marsh, which is one of the largest and most pristine marshes of this kind in the Baltics. In total, 688 flowering plants and fern species (38 protected) and 217 moss species (24 protected) have been observed here. Administratively, Teiču Nature Reserve is located in the territory of three regions - Madona, Varakļāni and Krustpils.

* Excursion along the Sildu trail Length: 3,5 km; infrastructure: footbridges, parking, place for recreation, information stand. Location: Madona region, Mētriena district in Sildas.

* 27 m high watchtower. Location: Krustpils region, Atašiene district, Kristakrūgs, near the road Jekabpils – Rezekne. The tower may be visited without previous reservation or guide. 

*Bird and animal watching tours. Guide -  Dainis Tučs, tel. 26528739.

Working hours:
* Visiting the path is only allowed accompanied by a nature inspector of the Nature Conservation Agency from 1st June until 31st October, and the excursions require advance registration.

*Visits to Teiči Nature Reserve during business days can be applied for by calling Regīna Indriķe, mobile phone 29139677 Number of participants in a group is up to 15 persons.
Mētrienas pagasts, Madonas novads
+371 29139677 (Regīna Indriķe, LV, RU, LT)
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