Stūrītis - cafe

The small but cosy cafe “Stūrītis” is located near the centre of Madona, next to the central square of the town. The cafe is a favourite for the visitors of Madona and the locals, where they can enjoy delicious pancakes or a quick lunch.

* Number of seats - up to 20 people
* Fast service, lunch.
* Thin, stuffed, potato and yeast pancakes.
* Hot dishes, desserts.

Working hours:
P 9.00-17.00
O 9.00-17.00
T 9.00-17.00
C 9.00-17.00
P 9.00-17.00
S -
Sv. -
Tirgus iela 4, Madona
Lat, lon: 56.853487, 26.221488 Braukt
+ 371 22487527
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