You will find the hotel and cafe “Smeceres krogs” just some kilometres from Madona in the valley of woods named Smeceres sils right next to the main road. This is a pleasant recreation site where you can both enjoy wide range of meals and drinks, and play pool or enjoy steam sauna and a swimming pool afterwards.
* Accommodation: 50 places ( and 50 additional places).
* Catering and restaurant.
* Banqueting facilities. (30 and 100 pers.)
* Swimming pool and sauna. Currently closed !
* Musical Club.
* Accommodation: 40-80 EUR for the room.
* Breakfast 5-10 EUR pers.
* Old-fashioned interior with hunting trophies, antiques, and a fireplace.
* Seats of the coffeehouse - up to 30 persons; during banquets - up to 110 persons.
* Extensive and wide menu, including quarry and Latvian dishes.
* During summers and outdoor terrace is available.
* Offsite banquets, sales at events.