Guided tour through Madona

If you choose to go on a one-hour guided tour through the City of Madona, you will have a chance to get to know the charm of Madona, to feel the city’s landscape beneath your feet and listen to interesting stories. During the tour you will learn about Biržu Manor, connection between the railway and growth of the area, why Madona is the winter capital of Latvia and why the city pays such homage to a rooster; furthermore, you will take a look at the fountains in Madona and Love Ravine and feel the city’s daily rhythm at least for a little bit.  Pursuant to the clients’ wishes, the tour takes place either by foot or a bus.

The tour guide services are provided by specialists from the Madona Regional Studies and Art Museum and Tourist Information Center.

+371 29130437 (Sanita Soma LV, RU), +371 27294005 (Ilze Stūre LV, ENG)
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